Journal of applied rehabilitation counseling
AB:J. appl. rehabil. couns. KT:Journal of applied rehabilitation counseling. OH:JARC. VT:J.A.R.C
National Rehabilitation Counseling Association
和洋区分 | 洋雑誌 |
雑誌名,シリーズ名 | Journal of applied rehabilitation counseling AB:J. appl. rehabil. couns. KT:Journal of applied rehabilitation counseling. OH:JARC. VT:J.A.R.C |
発行頻度 | 季刊 |
分類記号1 | 360 社会 Society |
ISSN | 00472220 |
注記 | Issued by the National Rehabilitation Counseling Association |
件名 | JRCOD3 |